Top Tips to Prolong the Lifespan of Your HVAC System


Homeowners often believe that HVAC systems are maintenance-free devices that only need to be repaired or replaced when they break. However, HVAC units can last twice as long as their original warranty suggests if you take some time and effort to maintain them properly. We recommend these simple tips to make the most out of an aging HVAC system and cut electricity bills down as much as possible.

Change the filter regularly

It comes as no surprise that disposable filters are, well, disposable. Cheap fiberglass air filters aren't intended to last more than a few months at heavy AC loads, and they can clog up with dust and debris quickly. A dirty filter means that less air reaches the evaporator unit, and the AC's energy efficiency plummets. Pleated filters can be washed a few times before the fibers get too thin and worn out to catch particles effectively. A good rule of thumb is that cheaper filters have to be replaced more frequently than more expensive models, and investing in a high-quality filter can pay off in the long run.

Use the "automatic" setting

The "auto" setting on the thermostat allows the unit to detect the room temperature and power the appliance to maintain the preset temperature. The "fan" or "ON" option will force the unit to work regardless of the actual temperature and may not even cool the room down depending on other settings. While an AC that's perpetually on ensures better air quality in terms of dust and allergen removal, it can cut down the unit's lifespan significantly.

Insulate the house well

Good insulation will work wonders to reduce the need for an HVAC system in the first place. One of the important places that need proper insulation is the attic since it is most open to the outside. The more insulation you have, the less the HVAC system will need to run. An energy efficiency audit can help locate spots that leak energy to the outside and provide guidelines to install insulation.

Use a smart thermostat

Installing a piece of modern tech in an older system can improve HVAC's overall energy efficiency and lifespan.  You set a smart thermostat to operate the system only when someone is in the house and shut it off or maintain a less-intensive workload otherwise. A small amount of micromanagement can lower the utility bill and give the AC some time to breathe.

Schedule regular maintenance

HVAC systems require professional maintenance annually, but we recommend scheduling a checkup before the main hot and cold seasons. This process allows homeowners to prepare for the upcoming months and ensure the HVAC is less likely to break down due to wear.

Replacing an old unit can be beneficial

Older HVAC units wear out over time and don't have stellar energy efficiency ratings. If you have to repair the current unit multiple times and still don't get the best performance, consider upgrading to a newer model. HVAC technology has improved in recent years, and newer devices are much more efficient, durable, and eco-friendly.

Do not let air conditioner or furnace issues affect you. Fix My Air DFW is a licensed company offering 24-hour emergency AC repair and 24-hour emergency heating repair to Fort Worth, TX, residents. We also provide duct replacement and sealing and top-quality HVAC parts to keep your HVAC unit in perfect shape. 


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